Welcome to Advanced Concepts for Blues Guitar Soloing the next level up from Barry Levenson’s first book Exciting Concepts for Blues Guitar Soloing. In the first book, Barry explored motific development, conceptual playing over chord changes, phrasing, target notes, bending techniques and advanced position playing. In this volume Barry has transcribed ten solos from his Storyville CD’s Heart To Hand, Closer to the Blues and Hard Times Won. He has analyzed key concepts and techniques in these solos by isolating specific measures and going into in-depth explanations of the more pertinent concepts that comprise these solos. Also, at the end of the book Barry have included a brief discography of CDs and/or songs that will help shed light on these concepts. The solos are the result of all the years of playing, learning, studying, and more playing. Barry hopes that they can be useful in some small way to help others to find their own means of self-expression.