About the Super Groovers
"The Super Groovers" consists of a core group of two super talented musicians Andrew D. Gordon (owner of this website and author of most of the products) playing keyboards, guitar, bass, computer programming and Frank Villafranca playing tenor, alto soprano saxophones and flute, creating modern jazz/funk/latin/blues grooves influenced from the 60's & 70s with great grooves, catchy melodies and plenty of atmosphere. Their first album is called "Supergroovin" consisting of 8 songs totalling 53 minutes of music. Their 2nd album "Mainline Connection" is scheduled for release Winter 2012.
This page is devoted to play-a-long music charts and mp3 files for songs composed by "The Super Groovers" for C, Bb & Eb instruments.
Each product consists of the PDF file of the music to the song as well an mp3 file of the full recorded track and an mp3 file of the play-a-long (minus the sax melody parts.)
"The Super Groovers" consists of a core group of two super talented musicians Andrew D. Gordon (owner of this website and author of most of the products) playing keyboards, guitar, bass, computer programming and Frank Villafranca playing tenor, alto soprano saxophones and flute, creating modern jazz/funk/latin/blues grooves influenced from the 60's & 70s with great grooves, catchy melodies and plenty of atmosphere. Their first album is called "Supergroovin" consisting of 8 songs totalling 53 minutes of music. Their 2nd album "Mainline Connection" is scheduled for release Winter 2012.
This page is devoted to play-a-long music charts and mp3 files for songs composed by "The Super Groovers" for C, Bb & Eb instruments.
Each product consists of the PDF file of the music to the song as well an mp3 file of the full recorded track and an mp3 file of the play-a-long (minus the sax melody parts.)
"Destinasian" is a pop instrumental song, tempo 108bpm similar to some of Kenny G's earlier recordings.
Destinasian C version
Destinasian C version PDF (2 pages) mp3 file of the recorded track and mp3 play-a-long track
Destinasian Bb version
Destinasian Bb version PDF (2 pages) mp3 file of the recorded track and mp3 play-a-long track
Destinasian Eb version
Destinasian Eb version PDF (2 pages) mp3 file of the recorded track and mp3 play-a-long track
"A Cry For Peace" is a minor blues ballad with a Latin influence at 72bpm with both sax and guitar playing the melody inspired to promote peace througout the world.
A Cry For Peace C version
A Cry For Peace C version PDF (2 pages) mp3 file of the recorded track and mp3 play-a-long track
A Cry For Peace Bb version
A Cry For Peace Bb version PDF (2 pages) mp3 file of the recorded track and mp3 play-a-long track
A Cry For Peace Eb version
A Cry For Peace Eb version PDF (2 pages) mp3 file of the recorded track and mp3 play-a-long track